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Social spend 2023-07-14
  • Fending off challenges by TikTok, old-school social media platforms Facebook (84%) and LinkedIn (76%) remain the favourites of South African businesses-Fewer companies are spending money on Facebook, but they are still spending the bulk of their social media budgets on the Meta app-Businesses using LinkedIn dropped from 80% to 76%, but it gobbled a quarter of the ad spend

Although less than 60% of South Africans say they use Facebook, it is still the social media platform of choice for major SA brands.

In 2023, 84% of companies surveyed as part of the SA Social Media Landscape report using Facebook as a marketing platform. This is up from 81% last year, but down 12 percentage points from 2021’s 96%.

Despite attempted challenges from Instagram and upstart TikTok, local brands are still choosing to spend the majority of their social media budget on Facebook.

Most of the companies (64%) spend less than R10,000 a month on social media advertising, with only 13% spending more than R50,000 a month.

Business usage of LinkedIn, the ‘sober professional social platform’, dropped from 80% to 76%, but it saw a healthy share of ad spend.

— 14 July, 2023

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