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2023-08-30 planting trees v2
  • The government plans to plant 10-million trees in 5 years to make cities, towns and townships greener-Almost 3-million trees have been planted since the project's launch in 2021-Nearly two-thirds of the trees are indigenous, the rest are fruit trees

Almost 3-million trees have been planted by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment since the launch of its 10 Million Trees project 2 years ago. Trees and forests act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They also help reduce the heat created by cities' concrete structures. Local governments and municipalities from Cape Town to the northern townships of Tshwane are planting waterwise and indigenous trees as well as fruit trees to help address food security. The goal is to plant 2-million trees a year at schools, in villages and townships as well as along roads in urban areas.

— 30 August, 2023

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