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Census 2022 Landlines 2023-10-11
  • Only 6% of South Africa's households have a landline, according to Census 2022-There's a working cellphone in 92% of households-One in 5 households still does not have access to internet services

When was the last time you phoned someone under the age of 70 on a landline? Can't remember? That’s not surprising, because only 6% of South Africa's households have a landline, according to Stats SA's Census 2022. These days, if you're going to contact somebody, you're going to use a cellphone. Nearly all (92%) households own a working cellphone. A lot has changed in the past 20 years. In 2001, one in 4 households (24%) had a landline and only 32% had a working cellphone. Nowadays, a family is more likely to have satellite TV (56% of households) than a landline. Owning a cellphone, however, doesn't necessarily mean a household has access to the internet. One in 5 households (21%) still has no access to internet services.

— 11 October, 2023

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