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Our World in Charts is a unique collection of hundreds of charts published by The Outlier. The charts cover key issues both in South Africa and around the world on topics such as education, economy, politics, sport and more. Republish our charts for free.

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  • Cost of 2.5kg bag of maize meal has risen by 44% in two years
  • A 5kg bag of maize meal is more expensive than ever at R71.21
  • Maize crop yields in South Africa are under pressure

The price of a 2.5kg bag of maize meal in South Africa has increased by R12 since January 2022, which is as far back as Statistics SA’s data goes. That’s a 44% increase on a staple food in just two-and-a-half years. A 5kg bag of maize meal is now the most expensive it has ever been at R71.21.

Other staple foods, such as white bread and tinned fish, increased by half as much over the same time period.

Maize shortages brought on by dry El Niño weather patterns are driving the price increases.

South Africa’s maize yields are projected to drop by 18% this year and in April the country made its first import of yellow maize in five years. The Argentinian imports docked in Cape Town. At the moment, it’s more cost-effective for the country to import maize meal.

— 5 August, 2024

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