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Building projects with Leaflet and SvelteKit

If you’re planning on building projects in SvelteKit, it needs a slightly different set-up to Leaflet.js. Here’s what you need to do to get it to work.

Sunday, September 10 2023

Leaflet.js is still my go-to library when I need to make a map. Using Leaflet with vanilla Javascript is pretty simple: add the Leaflet library and CSS file, add a few lines of code and you’re done. The Leaflet site has a fantastic starter tutorial on this.

More recently I’ve been building projects in SvelteKit, which needs a slightly different setup to work. Mostly you need to account for things like checking whether the code is running in the browser.

This is the bare-bones SvelteKit-Leaflet setup I use for most projects.

Install Leaflet

Starting with a working SvelteKit app, install Leaflet:

npm i leaflet

Next …

Create a map component

Create a component file in the src/lib directory, or wherever you put your components files. In this example, I created it here: src/lib/Map.svelte/

import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { browser } from '$app/environment';

let mapContainer;
let map;

onMount(async () => {
   if(browser) {
      const leaflet = await import('leaflet');
      map =[-26.1925013,28.0100383], 13);

// Add the tile layer
leaflet.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'}).addTo(map);

// Add a marker to the map


onDestroy(async () => {
   if(map) {

   <div bind:this={mapContainer}></div>

   @import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';
   div {
   height: 500px;

This loads onMount, OnDestroy and browser from Svelte. Then, if the code is running in a browser, Leaflet is loaded into the mapContainer div.

In the code above I set the view to a point in Johannesburg, South Africa:


You can also change the tile layers by altering the tile layer setup. The Leaflet Providers page is a good place to start looking for base maps.

      { attribution: '&copy;
      <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

Add component to page

Import the map component into the page and display.

    import Map from '$lib/Map.svelte';

    <Map />

This post is largely based on this post by Stanislav Khromov. I changed a few things and added some additional details.